Friday, April 13, 2012

Student of the Month

  1. How does it feel to be student of the month?
  2. Does it make you proud?
  3. Does it make your parents proud?
  4. Are you going to put it on your fridge?
  5. Is this the first time you've been elected as student of the month?
  6. Do you appreciate this moment?
  7. Is this a big moment of your life?
  8. Do you get your picture anywhere?
  9. Can I take your picture?
  10. Are you the first to win this award?
  11. Is there a list of students of the month?
  12. If so where is it?
  13. Who grants you this award?
  14. Does it look good on your resume?
  15. Could it help you get a scholarship?
  16. What did you have to do to get this award?
  17. Do you deserve this award?
  18. How did you find out that you had won this award?
  19. Are you being treated differently now that you have won?
  20. Do you think you will win again?

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