Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Student of the month Q & A

How does it feel to be student of the month?
It feels great!

Does it make you proud?
Yes, I didn't think that I would have done it.

Does it make your parents proud?
Yes, they think they pushed me hard.

Are you going to put it on your fridge?
Yes, but most likely in a frame.

Is this the first time you've been elected as student of the month?
Yes, but I want to be student of the year.

Do you appreciate this moment?
Very much, I feel greatly honored

Is this a big moment of your life?
In my teenage years, yes.

Do you get your picture anywhere?
No, i just recieve the award.

Can I take your picture?
Yes, you may.

Are you the first to win this award?
In my family, yes.

Is there a list of students of the month?
I'm not entirly sure.
 Who grants you this award?
The principals.

Does it look good on your resume?
Yes, it will make me come off as hard working.

Could it help you get a scholarship?
Yes, because colleges might like that I impress the principals.

What did you have to do to get this award?
Do everything the teachers asked me to do and basically be an outstanding student.

Do you deserve this award?
Of course, I tried my hardest.

How did you find out that you had won this award?
The principals announced it over the intercom.

Are you being treated differently now that you have won?
No, not really.

Do you think you will win again?
Yes, if I try hard.

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