Friday, April 13, 2012

School Uniforms

  1. Do you like the idea of uniforms at school?
  2. Would you be mad if they passed this law?
  3. Why do you think they are doing this?
  4. Would it help you focus in school more?
  5. Would you consider moving?
  6. Is it reasonable for them to do that?
  7. Would teachers agree with this?
  8. Would you get used to it?
  9. Should the teachers have to wear a uniform as well?
  10. What should the uniforms look like?
  11. Should the uniform also change the pants/shorts?
  12. Do you think some people would be happy with the uniforms?
  13. Would it keep people out of order?
  14. Have you ever had school uniform?
  15. If so, what did you have to wear?
  16. Was it fair to students?
  17. Did the teachers also have a uniform?
  18. Would it cost more money for your parents?
  19. Would your parents agree with having a uniform?
  20. Would it change your school behavior?

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