Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Newspaper Notes

  • Two types of papers- Braud sheet (eagle's eye) and Tabloid (half of Braud Sheet)
  • Front page
  • A teaser directs you to a different page to get the full story
  • Folio- information about the newspaper, "W. Charles Akins High School. "Everything That Concerns You." Monday 11.14.11
  • Masthead/Flag- Name of the newspaper, located under teaser box
  • Headlines
  • Sub Headlines
  • Byline- Name of person who wrote it and that person's position
  • Story 
  • Pictures
  • Caption- Must be 2 sentences, photo byline
  • Info Graphics
  • Jump- Directs you to a different page to see the rest of the story
  • Table of Contents
  • Issue and value Number
  • Staff box- credit to newspaper staff

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