Monday, January 23, 2012

Magizine covers part II and InDesign Part I

Early Magazine Covers: Back then they didn't use to many pictures as a cover. They usually used a title and a table of contents on what was inside. Magazines modeled books the formation and the balance was as a book would be written.

The Poster Cover: The poster cover Created so many memorable events. Many illustrators created things from poster covers. Many on the poster covers were printed big as if they were going to be hung and framed. Poster covers still appear on newer magazines.

Pictures Married To Type: These had cover lines which drew the readers attention more. It wasn't clear when cover lines appeared, but then again it was early in the magazine cover history. By the late 1800's cover lines became more common and then in the 1900's cover lines started the ongoing dialogue.

In The Forest Of Words: Some magazines made the cover lines larger than the actual title. Sometimes cover lines and cover art improvised to be newly and creative, but the picture wasn't enough to get people to buy it. so they put a lot of cover lines to make people shocked and made them want to read it.

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